You can contact us at SVHS as follows: 

  • The "Ask the Teacher" link can be found by the student within their course by accessing their course. The link exists in the "How to Take This Course" section on the course page. This should be used when you need to change your account information and for all and any course-related inquiries. From clarifying instructions on an assignment to resetting an assignment/quiz/test to changing your email address, please use the "Ask the Teacher" link for such inquiries. Please include the link from the course regarding the specific course-related question. Please watch this video to learn how to access the "Ask the Teacher" form. 
  • You can also use the Ask a Question button in the top right corner of your Dashboard to contact SVHS Support. 
  • SVHS also provides you with Sid an on-demand chat bot that can answer many questions any time of day! 
  • The "Contact Us" form on the website (under the "Support" tab) OR the "Chat" box on the main website can be used for informational purposes, not related to your course or account.